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This organization was started in August of 2005 as a way for the residents of the area to improve the quality of their lives. We started with one street and have grown to include a whole neighborhood of over 13 streets. Over 1000 flyers get distributed every month.  We have been making a difference in our neighborhood by getting together once a month to go over any issues the residents may have. As a group we have helped in the closing of the Horseshoe Bar, a new curfew law has been passed due to the joint efforts of the Blockwatch, the  E.185th St. Merchants Assoc. and Councilman Polensek. With the help of the Building Dept we have taken care of some problem houses. The residents have started bringing food items to the meetings to be donated to the Salvation Army. We have also organized several joint block watch special meetings (the Mayor June'06, the Safety Director May'07, the Mayor June'07 and Kenny Yuko/Lance Mason Aug07) of local associations and groups to keep the whole area up on what is happening. Our organization with the support of the E.185th St merchants Assoc. also organized its first "Clean up the Neighborhood Day" on June 2nd, 07. We try to have a member from the Housing Dept, the 6th District Police and Councilman Mike Polensek at every meeting to take your complaints or answer your questions. Working together we can solve some of the Quality of Life probelms that are happening in our neighborhood.
If there is someone you would like to have appear at a future meeting OR if there is subject you would like us to cover please let us know. This block watch is for you the residents. If you have something to share please do so you can email us at cherokeeblockwatch@sbcglobal.net or call 216-548-3257